
American Federation Pueri Cantores and Church Music Institute Announce Partnership

AFPC and CMI are pleased to announce a new partnership in shared ministry and resources as of November 1, 2018. Joined by their appreciation for the transformational music of Plainchant, Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and Modern liturgical music set within the rich tradition of the Catholic Church, and its capacity to form the spiritual lives of those who sing it, AFPC and CMI want the resources of the ~17,000 title online CMI choral library to enrich lives of singers in AFPC.

Access to the curated library of music is available anywhere, anytime, searchable using over a dozen criteria for exactly the right music for a particular group of children and a specific liturgy. Access is by membership at less than half the usual rate for AFPC members.

Jan Schmidt, Executive Director, AFPC
Paul French, President of the AFPC Board
Charlotte Kroeker, Executive Director, CMI
Kim Warner, Chair of the CMI Board