CMI is looking for summer interns to assist with the cataloguing, filing, and scanning of materials in the libraries at CMI. Preferred candidates should appreciate the role of liturgical music in Christian worship. Applicants should be attentive to accuracy and detail. Salary is competitive and CMI may assist successful applicants with finding suitable housing. To apply, submit a cover letter to Dr. Charlotte Kroeker, Executive Director at CMI, ( stating your interest and background along with a resume and contact information for references. Opportunities exist for full or part time work during the time from May through August, 2023.
The Church Music Institute (CMI) is dedicated to the advancement and stewardship of the best sacred music for the use of Christian congregations. Using proven practices, CMI trains new generations of clergy, musicians and laypersons for leading worship through workshops, courses and conferences across the country. CMI also houses the most extensive online library of choral and organ music anywhere.