
Video from the ‘Worship & Music Lecture’ by Rev. Peter Marty

The Annual Herbener Lecture by Rev. Peter W. Marty - October 30, 2022
Sponsored by the Luther Center of North Texas
Sung Evening Prayer Sponsored by Church Music Institute
Wilshire Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas, TX 75214

About the Lecture from Rev. Marty:

Those who make a practice of committing their lives to worship discover, over time, something interesting. When they leave worship they see an “outside world” that is smaller and more paltry than they had thought. Its politics are puny, its consumerism is hollow, its care for the weak is peripheral. The very assumptions of what constitutes the “Real World,” assumptions that typically guide our lives as shoppers, scientists, social workers, and sales associates suddenly become undone once we realize how the grandeur and mystery of God make us more whole than the more cramped outside world. We can do all kinds of things on our own, quite independently and self-sufficiently, thank you very much. But what we can never become without worship is fully human. Worship is where we figure out who we get to be in the presence of a God who gives and gives, and always out of love.

Click here to view the video of this year's lecture. The video is not to be sold or reproduced for monetary benefit, and any use must be attributed to Rev. Marty and the October 30, 2022 event.