
We All Believe in One True God: Portland Hymn Festival and Workshop Report

On Sunday, 23 June, the Church Music Institute of Dallas sponsored the opening hymn festival of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians annual conference in Portland, Oregon.

The hymn festival, attended by  ~350, used as its framework the Nicene Creed, namely Martin Luther's chorale based on the creed. Held at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, organists Bruce Neswick, Canon for Music at the Cathedral, and Benjamin Kolodziej, CMI Program Director, led a variety of hymns which were sung enthusiastically by the gathered congregation. The church's beautiful 1986 Rosales organ, an architectural and musical centerpiece in the church, led the congregation's hearty singing.

CMI Executive Director Dr Charlotte Kroeker and ALCM Executive Director Jim Rindelaub served as co-liturgists of the event, offering scripture readings and prayers, which exemplified the cooperation and shared vision of the two organizations.

On Monday morning, immediately prior to the start of the ALCM conference on the Concordia University campus, CMI staff offered a workshop entitled "Planning Through the Church Year: Thinking Liturgically and Musically." Attended by more than 50, this workshop demonstrated how the CMI online choral and organ libraries can assist in planning music.  The morning was spent in detailed planning for six of the major services of the church year. From piano and organ music, to introits, to psalms, to hymns, anthems, and benedictions, participants experienced firsthand how the CMI libraries can benefit their ministry.