
Schedule for Building Transcendent Worship


Building Transcendent Worship

Mr. Bob Chilcott and Dr. Craig Cramer, featured Clinicians as

The 2021 Paul Lindsley Thomas and Hal Hopson Lecturers

August 6-7, 2021

Live at Northridge Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX


Friday, August 6

3:30 p.m.         Organ Masterclass – Dr. Cramer

4:00 p.m.         Choral Masterworks with Mr. Chilcott:  St. John Passion by Bob Chilcott, highlighting important/difficult portions to realize them musically, exploring individual movements that can be used in liturgical settings.  Live with Q&A.

5:30 p.m.         Break for Dinner

7:00 p.m.         The Neumeister Collection by J.S. Bach: History, Style, Registration – Dr. Cramer

Choral Masterworks with Mr. Chilcott:  Explore his Requiem & Gloria with sound tracks and online scores.

8:00 p.m.         Compline

Saturday, August 7

8:30 a.m.         Morning Prayer

9:00 a.m.         Choral Reading Session – Mr. Chilcott:  Travel through the liturgical year with anthems by Bob Chilcott and other Oxford University Press composers.  Scores are available below.

The Neumeister Collection by J.S. Bach: The Chorales and the Central German Tradition – Dr. Cramer

10:15 a.m.       A.  Using the CMI online libraries for finding musical resources to plan effective worship services for the upcoming seasons to reach congregations worshipping remotely. Drs. Mann and Kroeker

  1. Re-starting Singing:  Pedagogy for Vocal Health and Voice-Building.  Acknowledging the 12-18 month hiatus from singing, this session will explore how to help choral singers and congregations come back to singing gently and effectively. – Dale Dietert

11:30 a.m.       Navigating a Post-Covid World:  Tips from Sages – Mr. Chilcott and Dr. Cramer talk about why church music is valuable in their lives and important in the broader context of society.  They will answer questions about the meaning of sacred music in a secular world and why church music, in particular, serves an important place in our world.  Gather your own questions for them!

12:30 p.m.       Break for Lunch

1:30 p.m.         Choral Conducting Magic – Mr. Chilcott:  Live!  Bob Chilcott will rehearse his most popular anthems including “God So Loved the World,” “Be Thou My Vision,” the “Agnus Dei” from his “Little Jazz Mass,” and “Jesus, Springing,” the latter a piece for Christmas. Scores provided by OUP.

No Fail Organ Practice Technique – Dr. Cramer

2:30 p.m.         Closing Prayer and Sending Service

3:00 p.m.         Adjourn



2021 Paul Lindsley Thomas Lecturer Mr. Bob Chilcott

2021 Hal H. Hopson Lecturer – Dr. Craig Cramer

Dale Dietert, Senior Lecturer in Voice

Southern Methodist University Meadows School of the Arts


Also presenting are Drs. Charlotte Kroeker, Executive Director, and Robert C. Mann, Resource Library Director of the Church Music Institute.  Bios online at

Special thanks to Rev. Betsy Swetenburg, Pastor, Bryan Page, Director of Music, Julia Boudreaux Organist, and the congregation of Northridge Presbyterian Church for their hospitality; Katie Johnson, CMI Communications Specialist.

**To print a copy of the schedule, click here.