Sam Eatherton and Rev. James Haner, Lilly Scholars
Todd and Becky Bauman, Congregational Representatives
Congregational Project: To offer educational opportunities that illuminate the history and theology of Lutheran music and worship.
June, 2019 Update:
Read Pastor Haner's meditations here.
February, 2019, update:
"Over the past two weeks, opportunity was given for people to nominate seven of their favorite hymns. The survey was designed to reflect only the frequency of choice, not the degree of 'favoritism.' Participation was wide-spread: 108 ballots were cast, with 169 different hymns being nominated at least once. The tabulated nominations were limited to Lutheran Service Book hymns 331 through 966. . . It is also apparent that people choose their favorites for a variety of reasons: expressing or eliciting strong doctrine, bold faith, personal experience, fond memories, and so forth." The congregation sang through some of these favorites on Sunday, February 17, 2019.
Session 10 Handout
Session 11 Handout
Session 15 Handout--Children and Worship
Session 17: Death and the Christian
Session 17 Handout: The Season of Easter
Children and Worship Bibliography
Questionnaire Worship Memories
Zion's Announcement of the class "Worship: Where Heaven Meets Earth" to the congregation:
The class will meet every Sunday morning from 9:20 to 10:10 a.m. in the church. Taught by Pastor James Haner and Sam Eatherton, the class will allow us to consider God’s gifts in the worship service, including His Word, music, the liturgy, and the Sacraments. We will explore some of the reasons behind what we do each Sunday morning, and we will have ample time for singing and asking questions together. The class will continue through the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons, through Lent and Easter, all the way until the day of Pentecost, June 9. Here are ways in which we are focusing on God’s gift of worship in those months:
• Each congregation member may request a copy of Gathered Guests: A Guide to Worship in the Lutheran Church by Timothy Maschke. This is a book that will supplement the adult Bible class and is for anyone who would like to go into a more depth regarding the various elements of worship. This book will be provided free of charge.
• Each congregation member may request a copy of our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book (LSB) to use in the home. This book is an excellent tool for private and family devotions, containing not only the services and hymns of the church but also prayers for every occasion and Luther’s Small Catechism. Again, this resource is provided free of charge to those who request it.
• What about the children? The faith of children is formed from a very young age through regular attendance at the services of the church. In fact, the worship service has been called “The School of the Church,” since it is within the liturgy that we are brought up to experience the living God. Please continue to bring your children to church! Special bulletins that focus on the worship service will be provided each Sunday to children present.
• A Simple Explanation of the Church Service: this is the new, little booklet you see in the hymnal rack. It gives a brief description of the Divine Service (the service with communion). You are welcome to take one home with you if you’d like (we have more) or simply read and replace.
All print materials, including the wonderful “Happy New Church Year” brunch last Sunday (many thanks to Marge and Dennis Simmons), have been paid for by a generous grant from the Lilly Foundation, in cooperation with the Church Music Institute of Dallas.